Talented Designer(1)-MY Social Network Friend:Elizabeth Kincaid.

Lately I have been fortunate to meet so many talented people from all over the world through social networks.(like twitter, facebook...etc.) Today I would like to share with you a talented designer, I in fact, came across through one of the mentioned social networks.
Her name ............. Elizabeth Kincaid

She is an independent handbag designer and she is on the board of directors for the Detroit Region of the Fashion Group International and member of the Art Institutes Fashion Marketing and Management Program Advisory Committee.

Elizabeth Kincaid is also featured on the cover of B.L.A.C.
This Photo is work of: Shawn Lee Studios

I met Elizabeth for the first time through twitter and I immediately felt she has a warm heart, modesty and very passionate about her career. Actually Nowaday I have been communicating with her where on facebook.

She advises me about my career and also about my new blog. For this I`m very greatful,
I would like to express my gratitude for the help she given me.

To get a better idea of who Elizabeth Kincaid is, I have inserted an article from her friend Alvita Lozano-Frankie`s blog(http://freestyleindetroit.blogspot.com/). Which gives the 411 about her lately career!

"Her latest evolution of bags and accessories is titled "Minaudieres" which is French for little bag. These elaborate little jewels are indeed attached to rings and carefully crafted with the finest materials and imagination. They are tiny luxuries with a hint of historical association, the sort Cleopatra would have found irresistible." - Alvita Lozano, FreeStyle In DEtroit

For more information, please contact her by e-mail: ek6976@gmail.com